Celling Data. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Number representing the percentage of the sky that is covered by clouds. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
DateTime of the forecast, displayed in ISO8601 format.
Dew Point temperature. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
DateTime of the forecast, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
Evapotranspiration Data (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Boolean value that indicates the presence of any type of precipitation for a given night.
Ice data. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Percent representing the probability of ice. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Phrase description of the forecast associated with the WeatherIcon.
Indoor Relative Humidity (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Specifies whether or not it is daylight (true=daylight, false=not daylight).
Link to the hourly forecast for the requested location on AccuWeather`s web site.
Link to the hourly forecast for the requested location on AccuWeather`s mobile site.
Indicates if the precipitation strength is light, moderate, or heavy.
Percent representing the probability of precipitation. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Indicates if the precipitation strength is light, moderate, or heavy.
Rain data. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Percent representing the probability of rain. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
RealFeelTemperature Data (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
RealFeelTemperatureShade Data (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Relative Humidity (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Snow data. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Percent representing the probability of snow. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
SolarIrradiance Data (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Temperature Data
Percent representing the probability of thunderstorm. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
TotalLiquid data. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Measure of the strength of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Text associated with the UVIndex. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Visibility Data. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Numeric value representing an image that displays the current condition described by WeatherText.
The temperature to which air may be cooled by evaporating water into it at constant pressure until it reaches saturation. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Wind data. (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
Wind direction Data
Wind direction in azimuth degrees
Direction abbreviation in English.
Direction abbreviation in the specified language.
Wind speed
WindGust Data (Will be undefined if ForecastAPI.details is false)
WindGust direction Data
WindGust direction in azimuth degrees
Direction abbreviation in English.
Direction abbreviation in the specified language.
WindGust speed data
Generated using TypeDoc
Fields description are from Accu Weather API playground: https://developer.accuweather.com/accuweather-forecast-api/apis/get/forecasts/v1/hourly/1hour/%7BlocationKey%7D